среда, 1 января 2020 г.


Data can be stored in a simple file tree, by project and by inspection type. Surface Cleanliness Elcometer Export, print or send Export, print,. Different inspection parameters all need to be combined to approve the final product. Surface Profile Salt Contamination Climatic Conditions Oven Data Logging Coating Thickness Corrosion Thickness Adhesion Testing Gloss Measurements No need to learn different software for different gauges, all Elcometer products use the same expert platform Store data in a simple file tree, by project and by inspection type Easy on screen analysis with histograms, statistics, measurements, limits, notes, diagrams and photographs Export data direct to Microsoft Excel. A combined report of the above three batches of readings in one report: elcomaster 2.0 data management software

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ElcoMaster® Data Management Software

Surface Profile Measuring Elcometer T: Cloud Multi-site access through secure cloud computing. Export, print or send Export, print. This FREE software package is the most flexible data management software on the market.

elcomaster 2.0 data management software

Data can be stored in a simple file tree, by project and by inspection type. Data can be stored in a simple file tree, by project and by inspection type.

elcomaster 2.0 data management software

Export, print or send Export, print. Cqatk formats etc to save time and prevent keying in errors Generates reports instantly using standard or pre-designed templates in seconds.


Cqatk formats etc to save time and prevent keying in errors Generates reports instantly using standard or pre-designed templates in seconds. Surface Profile Salt Contamination Climatic Conditions Oven Data Logging Coating Thickness Corrosion Thickness Adhesion Testing Gloss Measurements No need to learn different software for different gauges, all Elcometer products use the same expert platform Store data in a simple file tree, by project and by inspection type Easy on screen analysis with histograms, statistics, measurements, limits, notes, diagrams and photographs Export data direct to Microsoft Excel.

Surface Cleanliness Elcometer The choice is yours. Different inspection parameters all need to be combined to approve the final product. Add photographs and notes to your reports. Climate Condition Monitoring Elcometer T: Elcometer Inc, Michigan Office Relocation.


Surface Profile Salt Contamination Climatic Conditions Oven Ssoftware Logging Coating Thickness Corrosion Thickness Adhesion Testing Gloss Measurements No need to learn different software for different gauges, all Elcometer products use the same expert platform Store data in a simple file tree, by project and by inspection type Easy on screen analysis with histograms, statistics, measurements, limits, notes, diagrams and photographs Export data direct to Microsoft Excel.

As can be noted from these examples all the reports can have the same look and feel and be achieved with the push of a button.

Free software upgrades available via the website. It allows users to store all their readings including dry film thickness, adhesion, cleanliness, climate, surface profile and links to many Elcometer product groups.

ElcoMaster Data Management Software - BAMR

This ensures the full details of the entire coatings process are easy to compare and monitor, resulting in less waste, better accuracy and lower costs. Different inspection parameters all need to be combined to approve the final product.

Click here to download sofhware video script in English. Supplied with Standard and Top Models only. A combined report containing climate, dft, profile, salt and adhesion data in one complete report: For a particular job you could practically have a report for all the various aspects of the inspection covering the main areas of a project including:.

All of your measurements, documentation, managdment reports are stored under a project name. A combined report of the above three batches of readings in one report: Add photographs and notes to your reports.

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